• Voting for presidential nominees begins

    Voting for presidential nominees begins

    • News
    • February 13, 2020

    Photo courtesy of unsplash.com Though the presidential election will not occur until November, Monday, Feb. 3 marked the official beginning of the 2020 election season. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have begun the process to determine their presidential candidate, convening for the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primaries. However, the Democratic hopefuls have received

  • Race for the Oval Office: Romney, Obama vie for votes

    As the GOP primaries progress, Mitt Romney continues to dominate across the United States. Flaunting a massive 400-plus delegate count, Romney is comfortably placed as the current frontrunner in the 2012 presidential race. The election landscape has shifted from discussions concerning the economic state to social issues, like the Obama administration’s recent proposal to require