• Black History Month on campus

    Black History Month on campus

    Celebrating Black History Month with various events February is Black History Month, and Elizabethtown College celebrates it by hosting events on campus that recognize the work of Black artists, poets and more. This is also a great way to highlight diversity groups around campus. One of the events on campus was “Harlem Nights,” which was

  • International Perspectives: Study Abroad

    Ciao from Italy. Studying abroad has been a great experience so far. The new people I am meeting come from a variety of backgrounds and they all seem to have a similar desire to breathe in the new culture around them. My semester will be spent in the CISabroad program located in Florence, Italy. Our

  • Rescuers exhibit showcases historical stories of heroism and acceptance

    Rescuers exhibit showcases historical stories of heroism and acceptance

    As part of the numerous week-long events conducted at Elizabethtown College in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Proof Media for Social Justice displayed the exhibit “Picturing Moral Courage: The Rescuers” within the High Library.