Author's Posts

  • Preparedness, ability to focus are key to a successful finals week0

    The semester is coming to an end, which, to a student, could result in tears of joy or tears of stress. But, the fall semester can be filled with joyous occasions. Holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas get students excited for lots of reasons: family time, gifts, food and lack of homework or 8 a.m. classes.

  • Thrift store culture provides plentiful, inexpensive options

    Thrift store culture provides plentiful, inexpensive options0

    Popping tags and tight budgets were popular before Macklemore hit the scene. Goodwill and Salvation Army have been around since I can remember, but recently consignment shops and thrift stores have been finding their way to Elizabethtown. They are scattered around Elizabethtown’s shopping district especially on Market Street. Though readily available, are so many secondhand

  • Group projects prepare members for future work environments

    Group projects prepare members for future work environments0

    As the semester comes to a strenuous end, professors are piling on the last assignments. To their credit, many attempt to ease our stress by making our final assignment a group project — more people, less work. That sounds ideal, right? In this utopia, the work is divided equally and each member provides exceptional information

  • Professors may still conduct class despite campus-wide closings

    Professors may still conduct class despite campus-wide closings0

    Lately, the weather has been everything but cooperative for students and faculty. With a snow storm Sunday night and freezing ice following just days later, Elizabethtown College has faced a handful of delays in the past week. Delayed and cancelled classes encroach on lesson plans and due dates. Some professors bypass the metaphorical closed sign